Our dryer has been something of a pain lately.
A year ago or so, the heating element went out in it. The dryer would turn on, but never get hot. Aaron and I spent the better part of a day taking the thing apart and replacing the element ourselves. I remember feeling so proud of doing it ourselves and saving so much money.
A month ago, our dryer broke again with the same symptoms. We assumed it was the heating element again. We took it apart and put in a new heating element and it still wouldn't work. Turned out it was a couple fuses, which my step-father helped me replace. The dryer worked for a couple weeks.
The dryer broke again, but this time it wouldn't even turn on. This time, it was the "hot dog" fuse. Rick again helped me replace it, and the guy at the parts store told me to check our dryer vent, which I did and it seemed fine. The dryer worked for a week.
Broke again, same symptoms. I'm getting frustrated at this point. I got a new fuse and talked to the parts guy at some length (btw, they're great. If you live in Columbia and need appliance parts, go to Maytag Direct on Paris). I took apart the dryer last night and cleaned out the fan. I'm sure that's why it was breaking. It was FULL of junk.
HERE'S MY SUGGESTIONS OF THE DAY (if you read nothing else on this blog, read this):
1. Did you know you need to clean out your dryer vent at least once a year? I didn't. Find out where your dryer vents to the outside and clean it out. This is one of the number one causes of house fires.
2. Have you ever taken apart your dryer and cleaned out the insides? I hadn't. I think this is something that should be done once a year, maybe once every other year. You wouldn't believe the pile of gunk I pulled out of ours--probably six cups worth of lint and hair and sand (still not sure how sand got in there). It probably had never been cleaned out (I know we never cleaned it out and we've owned it for seven years).
Anyway, off my soap box for the day. Goal for this weekend: at least one more chapter of the dissertation done. Wish me luck!