Friday, May 8, 2009

D's Music program

It's been a long time since I updated this...mostly because our camera has been broken for months, so we really haven't taken any pictures and I always like to add a picture to the blog when I write it. Well, good news, Aaron got me a new video camera for Mother's Day and gave it to me a little early!

So, now for the update: The kid's music program was last night at school. It was titled "Jungle Dance" and all the kids were supposed to dress up like jungle animals. He wanted to dress up like a gorilla, but I really couldn't figure out a good but simple costume for him. So after a bit of discussion, we agreed on a monkey. I found a cute monkey hat at Michael's and a kit to make a monkey necklace. I also sewed him a brown tail with a wire in it to make a curly monkey tail. It turned out really well!

The program itself is probably what you would expect from a music program of first and second graders. It was cute and the kiddo was one of three students from his class that had a speaking role. After the program, D's "special friend" ran up and asked if she could take a picture with him (she was dressed as a cheetah):

Hopefully the new camera will help me keep this updated more often!

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